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Control Valve Maintenance Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

In order for oil, gas plants and other systems to work properly, control valves are used. Thanks to them, these units work efficiently, but they are often neglected. This is a big problem that is not good to ignore, because the systems will not work as efficiently as possible. In this way, their performance becomes worse.

These valves can withstand even more difficult conditions, but after a few years of operation, their ability decreases. Fortunately, you can influence their lifespan by maintaining them properly. Keep in mind that their replacement can be expensive and that is why choosing the right size, material and care is crucial for their survival. Learn more about it in the rest of the text.

Maintaining space around the valve

Source: numerama.com

One of the most important things is to take care of the surface that surrounds the control valve. This ensures its safety and quality work. For this purpose, the materials for the valve are carefully chosen so that they do not have to be cleaned too much, because it is not necessary to scratch the surface as much.

However, there are several types of materials. Depending on which material you choose, you will need to approach the cleaning differently. While one type of material requires more thorough cleaning, another will be more appreciative of maintenance. The universal rule is that you must do this regularly. When cleaning, you must be careful when it comes to the products you use.

Keep in mind that some materials are more sensitive than others, which means that they cannot tolerate certain chemicals and liquid cleaning agents. So research materials and safe means for pipes. Try to keep their area free of dust and dirt. By choosing the right cleaning agents, you eliminate the possibility of a corrosive reaction.

Also pay attention to rinsing, because the parts you cleaned must not contain soap. This can cause serious damage to the valve material. It is best to clean non-metallic materials only with water or alcohol. There are also various sprays used for these purposes.

Regular inspection


Source: barfieldhomeinspection.com

In addition to regular cleaning, it is important to check the equipment regularly. What it means? Our advice is to organize yourself well by making a check plan. For example, opt for a weekly check and choose two or three days during the week to set aside for it. If the valve is damaged, it is enough for a little time to pass for the damage to continue inside.

You need a little more than 10 minutes for this, which means that it will not affect your other obligations or free time. If you cannot inspect the damage caused by the malfunction in detail, focus on rust or corrosion. These are the most common causes of failures. When installing the valve again, pay attention to the material.

Sometimes he is to blame for the damage caused because he cannot withstand certain conditions. Be aware that control valves are designed to provide resistance to pressure and temperature, and that some materials simply do not meet such conditions. If you don’t know all types of valves, visit www.chelic.com and check even more types.

Check for leaks

Source: ncwhomeinspections.com

If you notice a leak, know that it is another alarming sign. This is very bad for your pipes, and it is caused by incorrect maintenance or poor choice of materials. It also occurs as a result of accumulated rust or corrosion. In this way, damage occurs very quickly, leading to leaks.

Whether they are larger or smaller, know that they endanger the safety of users. This is especially important if gas transport is present. Once you find the source of the leak, focus on the cause. Precision regulator can show you that there is a leak somewhere too.

It is very important that you research this to know if it is a material, maintenance or a simple environment. It would also be good to always keep records regularly and to have documents with you that contain information about damage, materials and everything else.

This will allow you to make better decisions and find the cause more easily. We must mention another important thing. If you change the pipes yourself, you have to differentiate them. There are various lengths and sizes that require proper setting. This means that it is very important to check the connection with the valve, because it must not be loose. The valve must run smoothly and must be properly lubricated.

Adherence to the manufacturer’s manual

Whether you are just checking the valves, changing them or cleaning them, always follow the manual. It comes with every valve purchase and contains all the useful information you will need. For example, it contains information on proper installation, but also repair. It will also serve as first aid if damage occurs.

Expert advice is to always have all the necessary tools and materials with you if something goes wrong. Read the manual carefully so that you do not waste time later asking the manufacturer a question and waiting for his answer. Make sure that the control valve is installed correctly, which means that you should check the flow direction mark, bolts and nuts, bonnet clamp, rotary cylinder, vacuum generator, air connection to the actuator, etc.

Regular lubrication


Source: machinerylubrication.com

Valve lubrication is another thing that positively affects its durability and quality. For this purpose, you will use special lubricants that are based on oil or grease. With them, you can greatly affect the performance of the valve.

In this way, you will improve their efficiency and functionality. Do not leave them to chance, because then the valves will be very sensitive to external influences, which will quickly lead to a reduction in performance. You should do this at least once a week and we are sure you will avoid unwanted damage.


So, the most important thing is to carry out regular check of the valve. In this way, you will prevent major problems, but also by choosing the right cleaning products and techniques. You try to do everything in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer, because otherwise you can cause damage yourself.


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